Focused ABA Treatment

The behavior of interest addressed during focused ABA treatment is narrower in scope than target behaviors addressed during comprehensive ABA treatment. Examples of behavioral targets that may be appropriately addressed in focused ABA treatment are: compliance within specific home, educational or medical settings, specific self-help or adaptive targets, participation in specific leisure or family activities, etc. Socially significant behavior change occurs by teaching a more efficient and appropriate behavior which replaces the inappropriate or problem behavior.

Focused ABA treatment consists of:

  • A treatment plan is developed based upon assessment which determines the function the target behavior serves in the learner’s environment
  • Intensity and duration of treatment is based upon individual learner needs and severity of the behavior
  • Treatment occurs during multiple 1 ½ hour to 3 hour sessions per week dependent on individualized client needs
  • Treatment decisions are based upon on-going data collection and error analysis
  • Re-assessment occurs as determined by individual progress on treatment goals
  • The majority of treatment hours are implemented by highly trained behavioral technician or Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA) with Supervision by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)
  • Parent training in principles and procedures of ABA occurs on an on-going basis as it relates the client’s increase in targeted skill areas and reduction of problem behavior.

At Behavioral Learning Center our goal is to affect socially significant behavior change for the clients we serve, to assist families in achieving this goal we require a minimum of 4 hours per week of ABA treatment.