Comprehensive ABA Treatment

Targets for Comprehensive ABA treatment are socially significant improvement in cognitive, language, social, behavioral and adaptive domains while reducing co-occurring problem behaviors such as aggression, self-injury, repetitive behavior and/or property destruction.

Comprehensive ABA treatment consists of:

  • A treatment plan is developed based upon a comprehensive behavioral assessment
  • ABA treatment occurs during multiple 1 ½ hour to 3 hour sessions per week dependent on skill level of the learner and target behavior as determined in the assessment process.
  • Treatment decisions are based upon on-going data collection and error analysis
  • Formal re-assessment occurs every 6-12 months as determined by individual progress on treatment goals
  • The majority of treatment hours are implemented by highly trained behavioral technicians or Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA) with Supervision by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA).
  • Parent training in principles and procedures of ABA occurs on an on-going basis as it relates the child’s increase in targeted skill areas and reduction of problem behavior.